We are the Pioneers of Today’s Renowned Tradition
Figli di Guido Lapi’s history began in 1928 when the young Guido Lapi acquired in Santa Croce sull’Arno a sub-branch from Forestal London, a global leader in producing and trading Quebracho and Mimosa wood tannins. From that moment, the company focused on vegetable extracts for the leather industry, establishing itself as a key supplier across a wide range of vegetable tannin solutions.
A team made up of highly skilled and dedicated professionals.
A family who works every day with dedication and passion: this is Figli di Guido Lapi.
Naturalmente vegetale
Eco-sustainability is woven into Figli di Guido Lapi’s DNA. Embracing a green philosophy is not just a choice; it’s who we are. We prioritize physical methods, like water extraction, at every stage. Our approach is free from artificial interference to stay true to our ‘natural’ philosophy.
We care for this planet and we foster an industry that works in harmony with the environment.
This is why being natural feels so natural to us!
Naturalmente vegetale
Eco-sustainability is woven into Figli di Guido Lapi’s DNA. Embracing a green philosophy is not just a choice; it’s who we are. We prioritize physical methods, like water extraction, at every stage. Our approach is free from artificial interference to stay true to our ‘natural’ philosophy.
We care for this planet and we foster an industry that works in harmony with the environment.
This is why being natural feels so natural to us!
Cuoio e pelle al vegetale
Cuoio e pelle al vegetale, costituiscono una vera e propria “filosofia” di concia delle pelli. Articoli unici per caratteristiche, impiego, corpo, mano, aspetto, colore…e anche profumo. Alla base di cuoio e pelle al vegetale ci sono indiscutibilmente i tannini vegetali, sostanze concianti uniche e naturali…per natura!
Qualunque sia il tannino, il materiale di partenza è rigorosamente vegetale (il legno, la corteccia, il frutto, la buccia, il guscio o l’escrescenza di una foglia a seconda della specie da cui si parte), e il prodotto si ottiene per semplice estrazione con acqua a caldo o per macinazione.
Oltre ai tannini vegetali la Figli di Guido Lapi fornisce ai propri clienti il portfolio completo dei prodotti tecnici per la realizzazione di tutte le tipologie di cuoio e pelle al vegetale. La gamma di prodotti “SOLE-” rappresenta la summa di oltre settant’anni di presenza in questo mercato: esperienza, passione, evoluzione.
Animal Food
Thanks to their unique properties – such as complexing proteins, astringency, and bacteriostatic functions – tannins work greatly for the health and well-being of cattle, ruminants, pork as well as avian animal feed.
The use of tannins in enology is historically well-established because of the important properties these substances are able to transfer to wine and the benefits they provide, including in vineyard treatments.
Through collaboration with other Lapi Group companies, Figli di Guido Lapi is able to supply a selected range of food jellies for oenological use.