Our partners
Our partners share our vision of quality, innovation and sustainability.
We collaborate with leading companies to offer excellent solutions and promote responsible business practices.

Unitán S.A.I.C.A. is a leading Argentine company in the production of vegetable tannins extracted from Quebracho Colorado. Its products find application in vegetable tanning, enology, animal feed, wood paneling, mining and sugar production.
Unitán promotes the sustainable management of natural resources and supports environmental projects. The main office is in Buenos Aires, with plants in Puerto Tirol, Chaco. The company’s products are exported globally through an international distribution network.

NTE Company (Pty) Ltd is a leading South African manufacturer of mimosa (wattle) extracts, used primarily in vegetable tanning of leather. Founded in 1920, the company produces about 26,000 tons of extracts annually from sustainable plantations of Acacia mearnsii on more than 60,000 hectares.
Mimosa tannins find applications in leather tanning, wood adhesives, mining and water treatment. NTE exports its products globally, promoting environmental sustainability and supporting local wildlife conservation initiatives.

Exandal Corporation is a leading manufacturer and exporter of tare rubber. From the peel is obtained tannin used as a thickener and emulsifier in the food industry, and of tara powder for leather tanning. Founded in 1992, it is based in Florida with plants in Peru.
The company produces certified organic tara gum with high quality standards (BRC, ISO, Halal, Kosher). Exandal supports social initiatives, such as the Happy Little Faces kindergarten in Peru, and promotes ethical business practices through Fair Choice certification.